Privacy Policy - Tsimitris Studios

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Privacy Policy

Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy
Our company respects the right of the individual to privacy and  recognizes the importance of protecting his personal information. For  this reason we guarantee your privacy and protect your personal data.  Our desire and goal is to be transparent in relation to the processing  of your personal data. In this context, we adhere to the present policy  that determines the way of processing and protection of your data during  your navigation on our website «». Whenever you provide us with your personal information, we use it in  accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016/679) and  the applicable laws on personal data protection, for the purposes set  out in this policy.

  1. Who is responsible for collecting, managing and processing your personal data?
    The societe anonyme with the name «DIMITRIOS TSIMITRIS SINGLE MEMBER P.C» is responsible for the processing of your personal data carried out through the website «» and is responsible for the security of your data according to the applicable law. personal data.

    Details of the person responsible for processing personal data:
    Commercial Title: XANTHI ROOMS
    Address: Parodos Dimokritou 0, Katerini, 60100
    VAT: 801497300
    EUID: ELGEMI.157999748000
    Phone: 6936660656
    Tax Office: Katerinis

  2. What personal data do we collect?
      • Simple Personal Data
        In the following table we present the simple personal data that our company collects through its website depending on the type of activity that each user performs.
        • Online Reservation
          • Booking details: name, surname, email, phone, country, address, city, PC, time of arrival, time of departure, preference for room type.
          • Billing information: cardholder name, card number, year and month of card expiration, CVC card.
        • Website Browsing
          • Technical Data: IP address, browser type and version, time zone and location, additional browser types and versions, operating system and platform, and other technology on the devices used to access a person's website.
        • Contact
          • Contact Data: name, phone and email.
        • My Reservation
          • Email and reservation code (personal)
        • Use of "Cookies"
          • Cookie ID (Cookie ID), Internet Protocol address (IP Address), history and browsing behavior of the website user.
      • Sensitive personal data
        Our company does not ask through its website to disclose your sensitive personal data, ie data that reveal your racial or ethnic origin, your political views, your religious or philosophical beliefs or your participation in a trade union or genetic and biometric data or data relating to your health or your sex life or your sexual orientation.
      • Child Data
        Our website and services are for adults only (ie people aged 18 and over). Our company does not seek and does not receive (at least knowingly) personal data directly from minors. However, as it is not possible to always verify the age of people entering or using the site, we encourage parents and guardians of minors to contact us if they find any unauthorized disclosure of data by the minors for whom they are responsible. respectively the rights granted to them, such as e.g. to delete their data. Therefore, if you are a minor, do not use or provide any information on this site and do not give us any personal information about us. If we find that we have collected or received personal data from a minor, we will delete this information immediately. If you believe we may have information from or about a minor, please contact us.

  3. Why we process your personal data?
    The processing of your personal data by our company is carried out within the framework of legal purposes and if our law allows it. Specifically, we process your personal information:
        • For the execution of a contract or during the preparatory stage for the purpose of concluding a contract,
        • For our compliance with our legal obligations,
        • For the pursuit of our legal interests or the interests of third parties, provided your interests and fundamental rights do not outweigh our interests.
        • When you have given us your explicit consent to the processing. Our company relies on your explicit consent as a legal basis for the processing of your personal data only in cases of sending updates and promotional material and for the use of certain cookies (see Cookies Policy). In these cases, you always have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, by contacting us. Where your consent is the only legal basis for the processing of personal data, we will stop processing it upon revocation.

  4. How long do we keep your data?
    We do not store your data for longer than necessary in order to fulfill the purposes for which we collected it. To determine the necessary retention period of your personal data, we consider the purposes for which we process your data, the ability to meet those purposes by other more lenient means, our applicable legal obligations, the quantity, nature and sensitivity of the data, as well as the potential risk of damage from their unauthorized use or disclosure. Different retention periods apply to different types of personal data. However, the maximum period for which we hold your personal data is twenty (20) years. For more details on the retention periods of each category of personal data, please contact us.

  5. Who has access to your personal data?
    In order to better serve you and the smooth provision of our services, we reserve the right to share some of your personal data with our partners who provide support services to us or help us promote our services. These partners are third parties (natural or legal) and process your personal data on our behalf. Our partners undertake through a contract not to use your personal information for any purpose other than the intended one, as well as to observe the necessary technical and organizational measures for data security, always complying with the applicable laws on personal data protection.
    We will never transfer, sell, rent or exchange your personal data to other companies or organizations for marketing purposes.
    We may disclose your information to government agencies, regulators, law enforcement agencies, courts, and banking institutions, but only in cases where we have to do so:
          • to comply with our legal obligations.
          • to exercise our legal rights.
          • for the prevention, detection, investigation of crimes or prosecution of offenders. Please note that in the event of a change in our company (eg acquisition or merger with another company), the new owners have the right to use your personal data in the same manner as defined in this privacy statement.

  6. Do we transmit your data outside the European Union?
    Our company does not transmit the personal data it collects through its website to countries outside the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA).

  7. How do we protect your data?
    We take appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure that your personal data is always protected and secure, preventing any unintentional loss, alteration, disclosure, use or access in an unauthorized manner. Our security measures include data encryption, cyber security assessments by all service providers that may manipulate your personal data, security checks that protect our entire technology infrastructure from outside attack and unauthorized access, and internal policies that define the how to ensure the protection of your data and the training of our employees. Our company has adopted policies and procedures to deal with incidents of personal data breach, so that there is immediate notification of both the competent supervisory authority and yours, in cases required by law.

  8. What are your rights?
      • Right of access: you have the right to access your personal data. With the access request you can find out about the purposes of the processing, the relevant categories of personal data, the recipients to whom your data has been or will be disclosed, the period for which it is stored, the existence of a right to correct or delete data or restriction of their processing or right of objection to the processing, information on the origin of the data and the existence of automated decision-making, including profiling and information on the logic followed.
      • Right of correction: You have the right to request the correction of inaccurate data, as well as the completion of incomplete data concerning you.
      • Right of deletion ("right to be forgotten"): when you no longer wish to have your personal data processed and retained, you have the right to request its deletion, provided that the data is not retained for a specific lawful and declared purpose.
      • Right to restrict processing: You have the right to request a restriction on the processing of your data when there is a specific reason for this (eg if you have objections to our legitimate interest or if your personal data is incorrect or if you think processing is illegal or if we no longer need them).
      • Right to portability: you have the right to receive a copy or request the transfer of your data, in machine readable form, from us to another controller, if you wish. This right includes only the personal data you provided to us.
      • Right to object to processing based on a legitimate interest: You have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data based on our legitimate interest. We will not continue to process your personal data unless we can prove legitimate reasons for processing that override your interests and rights or that we have legitimate claims.
      • Right of objection to direct marketing: You have the right to object to direct marketing, including profiling for direct commercial purposes. You have the option to opt out of direct marketing.
      • Right to withdraw consent: in the event that we have received your express consent to the processing of your data, you have the right to revoke it at any time. Where your consent is the only legal basis for processing, we will stop processing your data after it is revoked.

  9. How can you exercise your rights?
    If you wish to exercise any of the above rights, please contact us using our contact details. You do not have to pay any fees or fees to us to exercise any of your rights. However, we reserve the right to charge a reasonable fee if your application is manifestly unfounded, repetitive or abusive. In these cases, we also reserve the right to refuse to comply with your request. In case of exercise of any of your rights, our company must respond within one (1) month from the submission of your request. If your request is too complicated or you have made a number of requests, we may need more time to respond to you. In this case, we will let you know.
    If you believe that our company is processing your personal data incorrectly, please contact us. You also have the right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority. It is noted that the Greek supervisory authority is the Personal Data Protection Authority, based in Athens, at 1-3 Kifissias Street, Zip Code: 11523,

  10. Do we use cookies?
    Our website uses cookies to collect information in order to provide you with better services and to improve the design of our website, but also of our services and promotions. For more information please refer to the Cookies Policy.

  11. Can we modify the privacy policy?
    We reserve the right to update or change this Policy at any time. For this reason, you should periodically review this Policy. The latest version is always available on our website and replaces all previous ones. We will notify you of any changes to this policy, such as changes to the purpose for which we use your personal information, the identity of the controller, or your rights, by posting such changes on our website.

    Contact info
    If you have any questions about the way we collect or use your personal data which has not been answered here or if you would like to exercise your rights regarding your personal data, please contact us by email at

    This privacy policy was last updated on 28 February 2023.

T. Terzopoulou 97, Katerini
60 132, Pieria
(access also via Parodos Dimokritou)


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